Y&P Archive: Issue 116

Youth & Policy: The final issue? Towards a new format
- Youth Work and Informal Education: Finding common ground
Tony Jeffs - Beyond the Local Authority Youth Service: Could the state fund open access youth work – and if so, how?
A speculative paper for critical discussion
Bernard Davies - Scientism, governance and evaluation: Challenging the ‘good science’ of the UK evaluation agenda for youth work
Deirdre Niamh Duffy - Extending democracy to young people: is it time for youth suffrage?
Kalbir Shukra - Youth and adult perspectives on representation in local child and youth councils in Ireland
Shirley Martin and Catherine Forde - What, no coaching? Challenging the dominance of mentoring in work with young people
Tina Salter - Effective gang policy and practice: how research with ‘Black male youth’ problematizes the official definition of the UK gang
Ian Joseph - Social work with children in the Youth Justice system – messages from practice
Jane Pye and Ian Paylor - Organised Crime, Street Gangs and County Lines
John Pitts - The American news media and youth: distortion, defamation, demographic fear
Mike Males - Finding a better way of protecting young workers
Jim McKechnie, Sandy Hobbs, Emma Littler and Amanda Simpson - Margaret Mead and the ‘Unknown Children’
Mike Males
Click to download Issue 116 (.PDF)
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Last Updated: 20 July 2017
Students by Gisella Klein. Sourced from Flickr and reproduced under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic (CC BY-NC 2.0) licence. https://www.flickr.com/photos/katzarella/6881053210/